Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Shot a Day #3: (semi)clean workstation

Unofficially the third of my "Shot a Day"* series. I tried uploading 2 previous ones but it didn't take =).

This is where i do my work... for now. I am saving for a new laptop and seriously need some more computing power and organized space. It's tough out there for an illustrator/artist!

*-Shot a(n almost) Day, that is....

Thursday, February 04, 2010

i really need to fix this thing...

sorry for the uglyness that is this blog. I really need to fix this thing but life has been hectic (and depressing) lately. I keep waiting for some sort of normalcy to return but alas, it doesn't come.

I promise this thing will get better. I want to do it my way and it's taking longer than expected.

(i need to go wordpress but don't have the ends to make it happen yet... ugh.)

UPDATE: i just went back to "default" for now. Eh.